The Hazard
An Internal Culture with an Injury Problem
FMC’s safety numbers weren’t meeting internal standards or industry expectations, particularly in its non-manufacturing positions. This was unacceptable for an organization and leadership team committed to making sure employees went home in the same condition they showed up in. A high injury rate was a mismatch with the company’s values and customer perceptions.
The Inspection
Building a Universal Safety Culture
We took FMC’s focus on a niche injury stat and created a global safety crusade for an entire corporation and more than 6,000 employees in 11 languages. We built a complete brand with a smart name, memorable logo and powerful message. Th!nkSafe isn’t just about reducing injuries, it’s about rethinking the way you work and live. It’s rooted in psychology and the latest research in changing safety mindsets. The campaign was anchored by a powerful manifesto and brought to life through a website, printed pieces, signage, teaser campaigns, social contests and engaging videos.

The Leading Indicator
A Powerful Safety Story with Retelling Power
The campaign is built on an impactful and universal premise — that we make the choice to be safe thousands of time every day. That foundation has empowered us to reimagine what Th!nkSafe means and how the campaign can be most impactful. We’ve created new videos and accompanying collateral campaigns that maintain a relevant and meaningful message across all locations, job titles and languages.

The Safer Result
A Rapid Rollout for Sustained Success
FMC cut its global injury rate by more than half, and today its employees are some of the safest in the world. Most importantly, the campaign changed how they think about safety at work, at home and on the road. They see safety as part of FMC’s culture. They’re not just aware, they’re evangelists.


“FMC employees are committed to safety. They believe a zero-injury workplace is highly achievable and are committed to working together to improve our environmental, health and safety performance and ensure that our products are manufactured, transported and used safely every day.”
Pierre Brondeau
Former President, CEO and Chairman of FMC
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