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RXBAR’s Marketing Maneuver
Did you eat any Maltodextrin or GMO Soy Isolate today?
In a world with hard to pronounce ingredient lists and flashy labels, RXBAR’s protein bars stand out thanks to simple, wholesome ingredients. Founded in 2013 by two best friends, RXBAR set about calling B.S. on the protein bar industry.
Kellogg’s bought RXBAR in 2017, and the brand underwent a significant redesign. The packaging transitioned from a standard brown package to a simpler format that puts all its focus on the ingredients.
RXBAR’s sales skyrocketed from $2 million in 2014 to a staggering $160 million in just three years.
With ingredient lists like 3 egg whites, 2 dates, 6 almonds, and no added sugar, RXBAR ditched the flashy gimmicks and marketing jargon. Instead, the brand opted to let the buyer feel confident that they are making an informed decision.
Let the Buyer be Informed
In a marketplace saturated with exaggerated health claims, RXBAR stands out by letting the product – and ingredient list – speak for itself. The company creates an informed consumer base who can decide the product’s suitability for their dietary needs and lifestyle.
This approach may also resonate strongly with a growing segment of health-conscious consumers who want to buy products that they deem honest and authentic.
RXBAR’s success lies in its simplicity with a recognizable ingredient list, transparent label design, and an honest branding strategy. By cutting through the noise and delivering a clear message about the product’s ingredients, RXBAR displays the essential nutritional information and leaves no room for confusion or misleading claims.