The Benchmark
A Proven Investment Approach
The Haverford Trust Company differentiates itself with its Quality Investing approach to wealth management for high-net worth individuals, families and institutions. When the industry leader wanted to make sure its story and its successes were being heard regionally and across the country, it turned to us.

Through good old fashioned, boots on the ground PR, we consistently get Haverford’s name and its CEO’s smart thinking into every top-tier financial-focused mainstream publication and stations as well as all the Philly region’s biggest names. Our media connections create real opportunities for meaty conversations with reporters. Forget pay-to-play “opportunities” and advertorials — this is real media relations and PR strategy.
The Growth
Smart PR Turns into Something More
Haverford first hired us for one simple goal: to grow brand awareness. For more than a decade, we’ve promoted and propelled that awareness through multiple TV and media hits every month. We’ve built brand awareness and are showing no signs of slowing down. But in the course of the partnership, Haverford recognized our role as something more.

Once Haverford saw our strategic approach and design capabilities in action, we started doing more projects, including national ad campaigns and media buys. When the Eagles made the playoffs in 2019, we designed the Billboard Haverford put up to celebrate (#GoNick).

Haverford clients see the firm they trust with their financial futures appearing regularly on TV and in print serving as a leading voice on portfolio management and investment strategy. That inspires confidence — and drives referrals.
And we measure the results.

Millions of impressions, millions of dollars in ad equivalency
Just one CNBC Squawk Box appearance racks up 19 million-plus impressions and nearly $200,000 in ad equivalency. Haverford’s CEO made five appearances last year.
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