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Casper Will Pay You to Sleep
Get paid to sleep.
That’s how direct-to-consumer mattress brand Casper is billing a new job opening.
The listing calls for someone who will sleep in stores and “unexpected settings out in the world” as well as create TikTok-style content for Casper’s social media channels.
Casper could have anchored the posting around that social media element or even partnered with an existing influencer. By getting creative and infusing its story into the posting, it creates multiple opportunities for increased exposure.
First in the coverage the post itself got, and then in social content from aspiring sleepers – the application process recommends submitting an optional TikTok video (#CasperSleepers). Finally, the position itself is a bid for more content, specifically on a platform where most companies are still figuring out how to fit in.

Gen zzzzz Marketing
Content marketing is expanding into new formats all the time – white papers, video, podcasts, and now even job listings.
Casper has a history of expanding the boundaries of what constitutes content in filling the marketing-to-mattress pipeline.
The company pioneered product unboxing videos on YouTube and branded playlists on Spotify. It went all-in on thought leadership with Woolly, a digital (then print) publication to “make sleep journalism a thing.”
The world of online mattress sales is notoriously competitive, and companies resort to pretty extreme digital marketing tactics to maintain an edge.
But for brands across industries, there’s a lesson in Casper’s creativity in pushing new boundaries for connecting with potential customers.