Marketing plays a big role in how customers perceive your brand, but it’s ultimately a two-way street. Find ways to embrace and leverage how customers use your products and services rather than fight against it.
When Murder Inspires Marketing
The best marketing campaigns don’t create something brand new. They capture a familiar feeling in a new or compelling way that your customers can relate to.
Wrong Story Short: The Wrong Content Marketing
On this episode of “Wrong Story Short,” Braithwaite team members discuss content marketing.
Culture Eats Strategy for Lunch
Even the best business strategy won’t work if it’s not supported by and compatible with a strong company culture.
The World’s Most Relaxing Song
Think beyond the products or services you offer. Look at the experience customers get from your brand and come up with big ideas to enhance that effect.
Bouba/Kiki Branding
When naming your business, consider the fundamentals of your brand experience and how you want to be perceived.
Wrong Story Short: Introducing The Braithwaite Podcast
We’re thrilled to introduce the first episode of the Braithwaite podcast – “Wrong Story Short.”
Tru Who?
If bad publicity is what you’re receiving, find a way to use it to your advantage.
Magically Delicious Marketing
Sticking with a consistent brand can deliver fortunes long term, but you can’t let the message get stale.
Change Your Clock, Change Your Brand
Just because a campaign only gets attention two days a year doesn’t mean it can’t generate real marketing power.
Content Marketing That Went Down in History: Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Do you recall the most famous Christmas content marketing example of all?
How One Philly Company Used Architecture as a Communications Tool
In need of projecting a dignified image, Philadelphia Electric Company conveyed a message through its power plants.
The Creation of “Cyber Monday” Was a Brilliant PR Success
How one press release started a media frenzy and a new holiday tradition.
REI’s Black Friday Opt-Out Epitomizes Effective Marketing
If you want to stand out from your competition, you need to be brave enough to do something that’s never been done.
Nordstrom’s Customer Service Shows Every Employee is a Marketer
The renowned clothing retailer shows marketing isn’t confined to a particular department.
Smokey Bear’s Staying Power Shows the Importance of Messaging Consistency
If you want your message burned into your audience’s memory, you need to keep adding fuel to the fire.
What Leaders Can Learn From William Castle’s Genius Gimmicks
If you want to be successful, you can’t be scared to try something new.
The “Saw” Franchise Shows Great Marketing Takes Guts
Coming up with creative ideas is only half the battle. You also need the stomach to execute on them.