Milton Glaser is behind some of the most iconic images and branding styles of the last several decades. But he’ll be best remembered for his I Heart NY logo.
Dad, How Do I Do Content Marketing?
When it comes to good content marketing, tone and empathy matter just as much as accuracy. Just ask YouTube’s favorite dad, Rob Kenney.
Landed a Virtual Marketing Internship in Philadelphia? How to Make the Most of it
First-hand reflections and tips from one of Braithwaite’s first class of virtual interns.
I Love Lucy’s Virtual Marketing Lessons
What can “I Love Lucy” teach companies today about communications in a post-coronavirus world?
With COVID-19, Social Media Ads are a Bargain
COVID-19 is reshaping the social media landscape. That’s creating opportunities for B2B brands with a social advertising budget.
Tiger King and COVID-19: Netflix Stats that Tell a Story
As Netflix viewership data shows, statistics are an opportunity to tell a story.
The Marketing Genius Behind Apple’s ‘Sent from my iPhone’
With the default email signature “Sent from my iPhone,” Apple created millions of brand advocates.
Mariah Carey’s Christmas Miracle
How Mariah Carey’s “All I Want for Christmas is You” became the first holiday song to hit #1 in more than half a century.
How Meatless Marketing Changed Audience Perception
The Impossible Burger recently made its debut in grocery stores around the nation. How do you market a product defined by what it’s not?
How to Market a Chicken Sandwich
When Popeye’s entered the competitive world of chicken sandwiches, it was smart to think about how the competition would react — especially on social media.
Wrong Story Short: SEO and How to Do it Right
On our latest episode of “Wrong Story Short,” Braithwaite team members discuss the wrong ways to think about search engine optimization — SEO.
Fitbit B2B Marketing Takes the Lead
Fitbit’s successful expansion into B2B sales and marketing offers key lessons on developing a strong, consistent brand purpose.
The Game of Thrones Newsjacking Battle
All hail Air New Zealand. Jacker of News, Master of Stock Footage, Promoter of Brand Message.
Taco Bell Bought the Liberty Bell as an April Fools’ Joke
How an April Fool’s Joke can increase sales and reignite a buzz in an audience.
Knowing Your Audience Means Knowing Their Mindset
No target audience or client demographic is static. Understanding customers requires a steady stream of research and feedback into their mindset while keeping your own biases and assumptions in check.
Creating an App that’s Worth It
Simply chasing the latest trendy platform is an expensive and resource-intensive approach to finding new ways to reach customers.
Tru Who?
If bad publicity is what you’re receiving, find a way to use it to your advantage.
Advertising isn’t Dead, but it was Never Perfectly Healthy
The history of the remote control shows that people have never liked being interrupted by poorly crafted sales messages.