There’s a reason most toothpaste is mint-flavored – and it has almost nothing to do with keeping your mouth clean.
Why HBO Lets People Share Passwords
HBO knows you’re using your cousin’s roommate’s sister-in-law’s log-in to watch Game of Thrones. It doesn’t really care.
‘Plop Plop Fizz Fizz’ Doubled Alka Seltzer Sales
Buyers are often looking for a little guidance on how to use your product or service. Sometimes you just have to give them an extra “plop.”
The Marketing Legend Behind Those ‘I Hate Steven Singer’ Billboards
You may recognize the “I Hate Steven Singer” billboards and might know what they’re selling. But you probably don’t know the marketing story behind them.
Why is the Financial Times Pink?
In 1893, The Financial Times started printing on light salmon-pink paper. It was the most significant branding step the company would ever take.
The Maxwell House Haggadah — How Content Marketing Made Coffee Kosher for Passover
The Maxwell House Haggadah is synonymous with Passover celebrations in America thanks to a clever bit of content marketing dating back nearly 90 years.
Marketing The Buck Club – A Golf Course that Doesn’t Exist
The Buck Club, with no members and no course, is one of the most talked about locations in the entire golfing community.
Marketing Lessons from Seth Godin’s ‘We Are All Weird’
For today’s brands, “weird is the new normal,” Seth Godin argues. We asked a few of our weirdest staff members to share their thoughts on Godin’s manifesto.
Taco Bell Bought the Liberty Bell as an April Fools’ Joke
How an April Fool’s Joke can increase sales and reignite a buzz in an audience.
Spotify Microsite Calls Out Apple in a Communications Win
While battles between competitors are typically best avoided entirely, Spotify’s microsite calling out Apple highlights the power of positioning and controlling the narrative.
How Octavius Updated His Brand After the Ides of March
When Octavius changed his name to Augustus, the rebrand sent a powerful message about how he planned to rule the Roman Empire.
Retiring the Opportunity Rover Reveals NASA’s Marketing Chops
The worldwide show of love and support for the Mars Opportunity Rover highlights the benefits of the long-term approach to NASA’s marketing strategy.
Why Netflix Spent $25 million on its Roma Oscars Campaign
Netflix’s $25 million Oscar campaign for its film Roma shows how even great brands have to work to stand out for industry awards.
The Marketing Lesson Behind ‘Dewey Defeats Truman’
The “Dewey Defeats Truman” headline is perhaps the most well-known newspaper screw up of all time. But its real marketing lesson is about how (and when) brands talk to their audiences.
14 Ways to Make the Most of Your Marketing Internship
An unfulfilling internship can be just as much your fault as the company that hired you.
Competing Docs Offer 3 Fyre Festival Marketing Lessons
The Fyre Festival was supposed to offer the ultimate escape — a private island getaway of luxury and indulgence. It’s now known as a prime example of over-the-top marketing gone awry.
Tide Washed Away a Crisis with a House of Brands Marketing Structure
You don’t have to be a multi-industry conglomerate to benefit from building a game plan for how your products and services interact.
What Would You Do With a Super Bowl Ad?
What if you had a Super Bowl commercial? If you had one minute in front of millions of potential customers and prospects, how would you spend it?