Nike is a company that’s never been afraid to ruffle a few feathers. Its most recent move seems to be paying off.
From Dilly Dilly to Philly Philly — How Bud Light Capitalized on an Epic Marketing Gift
What happens when your nonsensical ad slogan happens to rhyme with the city that just won the Super Bowl?
Knowing Your Audience Means Knowing Their Mindset
No target audience or client demographic is static. Understanding customers requires a steady stream of research and feedback into their mindset while keeping your own biases and assumptions in check.
Creating an App that’s Worth It
Simply chasing the latest trendy platform is an expensive and resource-intensive approach to finding new ways to reach customers.
Arm & Hammer Offers a Lesson in Making Boring Marketable
How do you keep a 170-year-old brand fresh?
How Docker’s Saved Casual Fridays
If you’re grateful for “Dress Down Fridays,” you have the overheated workers of an archipelago in the Pacific and a smart marketing team to thank.
Denny’s Nailed Media Relations with this Press Release
A Denny’s PR rep recently committed a major media relations faux pas – or so everyone thought.
Wrong Story Short: The Wrong Way to Apologize in Crisis
Listen to this episode of the Braithwaite podcast, “Wrong Story Short,” focused on apologizing in a crisis.
Rebranding Alligator Pears
It’s hard to imagine today, but there was a time when people weren’t interested in buying avocados – let alone paying extra for them.
Marketing with the Mandela Effect
Brands don’t have total control over how their messages are perceived and remembered.
Marketing with a Flamethrower
When introducing a product or announcing a big new idea, most companies opt for a press release. Why not use a flamethrower instead?
Selling Pizza with Potholes
In setting yourself apart from the competition, it pays to look at the entire customer experience.
IHOP did what?
Why would a brand with 60 years of recognition suddenly change its name?
The Reason Crystal Pepsi Fell Flat with Consumers
Most brands need to innovate to stay competitive in their industry and relevant to their customers. But straying too far from what customers expect can clearly lead to trouble.
What Laurel vs. Yanny Means for Marketing Perception
Are you strongly #TeamLaurel? Or squarely #TeamYanny? No matter which you are, you’re wrong. Because both are right.
How Ikea Embraced Hackers
Marketing plays a big role in how customers perceive your brand, but it’s ultimately a two-way street. Find ways to embrace and leverage how customers use your products and services rather than fight against it.
When Murder Inspires Marketing
The best marketing campaigns don’t create something brand new. They capture a familiar feeling in a new or compelling way that your customers can relate to.
Wrong Story Short: The Wrong Content Marketing
On this episode of “Wrong Story Short,” Braithwaite team members discuss content marketing.