The McDonald’s milkshake mystery has become the defining example of Clay Christensen’s “Jobs to be Done” theory.
Pantone’s Color of the Year
In order to make its Color of the Year stand out in the real world, Pantone has had to pull out all the stops.
ChatGPT Tells a Story
ChatGPT made headlines for its ability to produce plausible responses when presented with a question or a prompt. The output is often surprisingly realistic (if a bit robotic).
Christmas Window Shopping
People who seek out the Macy’s displays during the holidays aren’t looking for a specific toy. They’re looking for a feeling that only truly iconic marketing efforts can provide.
Jeff Bezos Loves a Good Story
Bezos’ focus on in-depth structured writing has become leadership lore recently amid his claims that Amazon has “outlawed PowerPoint.”
Costco Hot Dogs Tell a Story
Costco’s mythic hot dog combo price is more than a sales strategy, it’s a storytelling device.
Rebranding Black Friday
The true origins of the name are different from the prevailing narrative today.
Turbulence at Twitter
Turbulence at Twitter is likely to continue for some time. Here are three steps to take now.
Subway’s Perplexing Sandwich Promo
Subway’s “Sandwich Seat” Sweepstakes offered a chance at a free gift card to anyone stuck in the middle seat of a plane during a flight on National Sandwich Day.
Fun-size Candy on Halloween
Despite what kids would have you believe, fun-sized candy bars aren’t part of a vast conspiracy to deprive children of candy on Halloween.
How The Exorcist Terrified Theatergoers
The Exorcist wasn’t just a movie, it was an experience that kicked off a cultural conversation.
Happy Meal Backlash
In launching its adult Happy Meal campaign, McDonald’s may have overlooked an increasingly important audience — its own employees.
The Marketing Heft Behind Fat Bear Week
People from around the world vote for the fattest bears in a weeklong run of bear-to-bear matchups, bringing widespread attention to a remote Alaska park.
A Hurricane by Any Other Name
From extreme weather to new products, there’s power in giving something a name. Just make sure the name reflects the message you want to convey.
Clever Coffee Marketing
When Goldman Sachs bankers lost free coffee privileges, Cometeer saw a marketing opportunity.
Marketing Lessons from the Trapper Keeper
Who would have thought a folder holder would be a mega hit?
The Frequency Illusion
You hear about something new – a restaurant, a TV show, whatever. All of a sudden, you start noticing references to that thing everywhere.
Philly’s Favorite Potato Chip
A brand isn’t what you say it is – it’s what they say it is.