For companies like Netflix and HBO, the miniseries has strategic business benefits — and good takeaways for content marketing efforts as well.
That QR Code Super Bowl Ad
For just a moment during Super Bowl 56, the sta faded away – replaced by a slow moving, colorful QR code.
Broccoli in Crisis
Do presidents have to eat their broccoli?
LEGO Gets Freaky
LEGO gives its customer service teams a lot of leeway to follow their own blueprint with each customer interaction – provided they stick to the FRKE principle.
Is a Super Bowl Ad Worth it?
Like any marketing initiative, the answer lies in the metrics.
Marketing Nostalgia
You don’t have to have a retro product to tap into nostalgia marketing. All you need is something familiar and comforting to your audience that can be used in new ways to deliver value.
No Cream Cheese? No Problem
Philadelphia Cream Cheese turned a holiday shortfall into a marketing gift with a story worth schmearing.
Levi’s Tackles the Quarantine 15
How do you build buzz around a solid quarter of earnings? You give it a news hook. Levi Strauss is bouncing back from early pandemic challenges in a big way. It was eager for the news to make a bigger splash with investors and the public. On its quarterly earnings call, Levi’s CEO Charles Bergh […]
U2 and Apple’s Misguided Generosity
If you’re looking for the perfect holiday gift, don’t do what Apple did. In 2014, Apple hosted its annual fall event and unveiled the iPhone 6. To drum up buzz for iTunes amid the rise of music streaming services, CEO Tim Cook welcomed U2 to perform a new single from their surprise new album Songs of Innocence. […]
The Scariest Movie – According to Science (and PR)
In a genius content marketing move, researchers at the Science of Scare Project have broken down the scariest movies ever – according to science.
Adam Grant Coins the COVID Crisis
Using psychology, research, and a catchy framework, Adam Grant was able to coin a term for the feeling many of us have had throughout the pandemic.
How Monopoly Keeps Passing Go
Monopoly has known for decades that people were making up their own rules. But rather than push back, the company made it part of its marketing efforts.
Wrong Story Short: Sustainability Messaging Do’s and Don’ts
On our latest episode of “Wrong Story Short,” we explore the topic of sustainability and how companies can better represent themselves.
Wrong Story Short: Content Marketing and Community Focused Messaging
On our latest episode of “Wrong Story Short,” Braithwaite’s Allen Vickers, Jason Rocker and Alessia Brunori discuss content marketing and the positive impact a community-oriented marketing campaign can produce.
The Business Case for Emojis
You can draw a direct line from the ancient cave paintings of the Iberian Peninsula dating back 64,000 years to the smiley face you used in your last text message.
Winning Storytelling Olympic Gold
Sometimes it takes more than having the highest-performing product or service on the market to get the attention of your key stakeholders.
Wrong Story Short: Rebrands and Knowing Your Audience
On this episode of “Wrong Story Short,” Braithwaite team members discuss what some brands get wrong about what their audience wants.
Moneyball for Marketing
More and more communications teams are turning to data analytics to maximize their marketing impact.